Futures Finboxes High Density Foam Surrounds 1/2 Box Size


Futures Finboxes - High Density Foam Surrounds  1/2 box size  (centre boxes)

Have you ever wanted to install Futures boxes but don't have the jig or the right router bit?

This foam insert is a way to make an install easier without the right tools!

Also when you break out a box you can use this foam insert to re install a new one 

The high density foam surrounds are made to make the install easier instead of a 2 step rout it or using the one pass router bit - makes it a one step rout and also makes the the box strong with high density foam to connect the resin from the box to the foam of the surfboard

The Foam is a recycled PET 80HD so made from used plastic water bottles and turned into foam.

You will need one Foam insert per box so when ordering please make sure you order the right quantity 

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